Mojo Selling Solutions Приложения

MojoID 1.1
Mojo Selling Solutions
Mojo ID is a companion application theMojoDialer from Mojo Selling Solutions. Mojo ID presents youwithcritical contact information when you receive a call back fromyourprospecting sessions using the Mojo Dialer.It's simple: Sync your contacts from the Mojo cloud toyourAndroid based phone. When someone calls back from youprospectingsession, Mojo ID will present to you an image containingthecontact information, previous call notes and theirpropertyinformation. Once your call is finished, you can make anote aboutthe call and decide whether or not to mark it as acontact in yourMojo database.With Mojo ID, you can now start the conversation offright,without the drudgery of trying to identify 'who' fromyourprospecting session is calling you back. You will sound muchmoreconfident and convert more conversations in toappointments.*App does not require access to the address book on yourdevices,and therefore does not modify or delete anyassociated/existingcontact data.Use Instructions:1. Download the application.2. You will login using your PIN, email address and password(sohave this handy)3. Once the app loads, select the ‘Configure yoursources’button4. You will select either the group tab, or the list tab (orboth)and select the lists/groups you wish to sync to theapplication,then press done.5. Once you confirm the lists and groups you want to sync, theappwill begin syncing the data in those lists and groups, toyourphone. This process can take some time depending on the amountofrecords, have no fear, you can get out of the application anditwill continue in the background as a process.6. Make sure to open the app before each calling session toensureyour synced contacts are update before you begincalling.7. You’re done! When someone from your synced Mojo contactscallsyou back, we will pop the following image on your device, soyoucan answer the call intelligently.
Mojo On The Go 2.7.06
Mojo Selling Solutions
Mojo On the Go! is the companion application for the Mojo Dialer.Enjoy the freedom of prospecting using our industry leadingmulti-line power-dialer*, managing your follow-up calls andappointments with our event alert system. With enabled MojoIDfeature you will see critical contact information when you receivea call back from your prospecting sessions using the Mojo Dialer.*Not all phone carriers support data and voice transmissionsimultaneously. These carriers will require the use of wi-fi inorder to make calls from Mojo on the Go!.
Mojo Door Knocker 1.0.5
Mojo Selling Solutions
Door Knocker displays the residential homes and streets inyourchosen area. One click and you’ll see who to ask for whensomeoneanswers the door and the property details so you can getaproductive conversation going quickly. Take notes aboutyourconversations and further update any contact details youacquireduring your conversation. Only available in the UnitedStates.
Prospecting Dashboard
Mojo Selling Solutions
Prospecting on the phone without goals leads to failure.Starttracking today!